Construction Journal Entry Week of 1/29/06

1/31-2/2/06 I went up the property for 3 days: Tuesday through Thursday.

I arrived at 12:45. There was about a foot of wet new snow on the ground and the driveway hadn't been plowed. It took me about 45 minutes to shovel out a parking place. Then it took another half hour with snowshoes to make trails. After I moved in and had lunch, I made one trail up to the spring.

Then I went to work and sanded the two Grid E logs that were due for another coat of varnish. It started snowing late in the day before I went in. My fingers hurt from the sanding. I am probably causing the start of arthritis in my hands.

On Wednesday morning, there was about 6 inches of new snow that had fallen overnight. The pile of snow under the eaves behind the crawlspace door was about 7 feet high, so I shoveled a gap in it to make it easier to get to the privy. I also shoveled the snow off the top of the mixer.

I spent most of the day planing, scraping, and gouging the remaining three logs in the Grid E loft wall. When they were ready for their first coat of varnish, I swept up the chips and vacuumed the wall and floor.

On Thursday morning, I varnished the five Grid E logs and then went out and shoveled the snow off the privy roof. It had accumulated a pretty heavy load and I didn't want it to get dangerous. The snow was about two feet deep up there, and very wet. I left for home at 1:10.

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