Construction Journal Entry Week of 1/3/21

1/4-7/21 I went up to Camp Serendipity for four days: Monday through Thursday.

Before I left, I dropped something off with Paula, stopped at the post office, stopped at the drug store, and then filled up with gas in Woodinville. It rained pretty much all the way to the pass and there it turned to snow. It snowed all the way from there to Camp Serendipity.

I arrived at 12:30. The driveway had been plowed but there was about four inches of new snow on top. I was able to drive in, turn around, and park facing out at the foot of the stairs. I carried my gear up the steps, without shoveling them, in two trips. The post holing from the staircase to the cabin wasn't too bad.

After hoisting the flag, building a fire in the stove, and having my lunch, I took my usual nap. Then I spent the rest of the afternoon practicing on the piano.

On Tuesday I started out with piano practice and listening to the radio. I also worked on the casing for the front door and finished it. I took a picture of the result. I was happy with how it looked.

After lunch and nap, I shoveled a lot of snow and split and stacked all the maple rounds I had at the cabin.

On Wednesday I overslept. There was 6 inches of new snow that had fallen overnight. I practiced the piano, listened to the radio, and then had my lunch and nap. When I got up, I shoveled the snow off the back porch, the back steps, and the back stoop. When the snow fell off the roof, it fell straight down instead of shooting away from the building and as a result it avalanched down onto the stoop and stairs. I placed a few more long boards on the berm attempting to keep the snow from avalanching toward the cabin and to go the other way. It is sort of effective.

I spent the rest of the day writing.

On Thursday I overslept again. Dave called first thing and we had a nice long conversation. After we hung up and I had my breakfast, I practiced the piano, listened to the radio and had my lunch. I left for home a day early at 12:30 because I needed to take my truck in to get it fixed on Friday.

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